
More OF Less

Slacking on posting because I'm house hunting, on top of everything else. (No, I'm looking for a house on the beach. It's a simple picture but there is a lot happening in the simplicity.) House hunting, it's a little stressful, but a great way to move forward. Everything happens for a reason, and for all the times I complained about living in a mobile home, I am SO happy I did. Of course I had other reasons why I did not mind it, low payment that was quickly paid off, small and simple, and NOW small price tag for someone else to buy. In these tough times I'm hopeful that a family would love to downsize into our comfy mobile home. Take it anywhere they wanna BE!

In our new home, that the children are super happy about, we'd still like to keep it simple. I've learned even more in the past 2 and half months that less is more. Russell and I always tried to live a simple life, filled with family, friends, and God's delight. But minds can wonder, we're human. Having "more" seems better, the more the merrier, grass is greener....but it's still the same grass. I have learned this on so many levels and glad it's one area where Abba has really blessed me.

Less stuff. I never really suffered from shop-o-lism, maybe the Goodwill-lism!?! Anyway, I've learn that having 4 pairs of pants, 2 sweaters, 2 jackets, 1 coat, 7 shirts/underwear/socks IS really all the clothes you need. Your children too! It also means less laundry!! I've enjoyed just having what we need all in one room, granted I'm ready for a little more space, but we have everything we NEED. The kids don't have too many toys; they'd rather play outside with sticks and dirt. We've checked out the local library for books, seeing how we are too far away from our regular stomping grounds. Plus, mom doesn't have DISH or cable, so less TV (guilty pleasure) means more reading. Love that.

Less pick up and GO. More relax, stay a while. I've slowed my "roll" down a lot. I like being productive but I'm happy with biting off a little at a time now. At the end of the week, I still got a bunch of stuff done. I helped my kids pick up their toys, instead of ordering them around...I'm kinda snappy that way. I hugged Ike when he got frustrated with Lilli because she talks too much. Sharing her feelings sometimes sounds like she is rattin' her brother out, and the snow ball is rolling. So when my head was about to come off, I started crying, got on my knees, and hugged both of them. (I'm guilty of shouting to take control of the situation...but I'm really out of control.) I forced myself to used the opportunity to teach them. Less shouting more listening, less hurting more loving, and less shouting more hugging-momma.

Less of my mouth, means I hear Him clearly. When in shock, people around you sound like Charlie Brown parents, in case you've never been in shock. You only see emotions and hear what God wants you to hear. "You'll be OK, We love you, You are not alone, We'll help you, I AM WITH YOU!" It's an amazing survival tool He installed. See, I carry on an on-going conversation with God all the time, really. I've even thanked Him for a coupon I didn't know I had, "Cool, thanks dude. You're awesome.", in front of the cashier! She thought I was nuts. So if you have every seen me "talk to myself", I'm not, it's God. Well when I shut up, He'll talk a blue streak! "I love you precious child, go and be a strong woman, I'm here, you need to rest, find joy in the pain and tears, My will, baby...Not yours." It helps the stress.

Less stress. More freedom and truth! It's awesome. When you know the truth, you only have to say it ONCE, to yourself anyways. Not many times, over and over to convince yourself of it. Just once. Say it, live it, and then be done. Even Jesus said "it is finished." He did not have to come back over and over doing the same thing. He just came, spoke the truth, lived it, and went on His way. I'm doing my best to go "net-less" and follow. His voice drowns out all negative voices who scream their opinions to the world for no other reason than insecurity. Which in turn allows me to just simply not listen and not form an opinion on something so ridiculous.

Less of me. Less of me means more of Him. I prayed before Russ passed that we would hungry for Him more, lean on Him more, and love Him more intimately. In a round about way, my prayers are answered. It's not pretty, but it's true. I prayed that Russ and I would be closer than ever. I thought we did a pretty darn good job of being open and honest. We talked all the time, worked on our feelings, and shared dreams. Sat in prayer with each other and for each other daily. We always wanted to be with each other more. He hated leaving for work, wished we could go with each other on guys/girls night out, and even talked on the phone when following each other driving. We simply loved each others company and friendship. He is my beloved help-mate. Now, he is with me 24/7. Can't see, hear, touch him in earthly terms, but in spirit God allows him a direct line to me. A vision of him flying beside my car, seeing a hawk, finding a four leaf clover, having our children sing his songs out of the blue, or share a memory. It's like a unlimited plan!

That pretty much says it, I'm looking for a house and MORE OF LESS making it a HOME. Love to you all.


  1. Sam: Thank you for posting this. I love seeing into your heart and mind. It just makes me love and appreciate you more than ever. Keep up the good work. Be strong in Him, be courageous to always follow Him, don't give the enemy one ounce of satisfaction in anything you have going on in your life. You are built God tough and He will walk beside you and sometimes every carry you. That is true. Love you and look forward to our next girl time together. (spring break, yea)

  2. You give my heart wings and make it soar...

  3. You should go in to seminary, really. Your words are beautiful and inspiring. You touch more hearts than you could ever know.

  4. Hey Spicy Peach!

    I found you through Heather's blog..and glad I did. Your words have really touched me, you are a beautiful writer!

    Hope to hear more from you....

    And wanted to let you know that I think of you and your family often!

